Wednesday, February 9, 2011

They Say Food Brings Comfort to the Soul...

it is also something that brings friends and families together. A bond is often strengthen in the presence of food.

My family is no different. In any of our gatherings, food is the highlight of the day...we can be having a meal at one party and our conversation will most certainly about food for the next party we come up with. We've celebrated birthday, religious holidays (it doesn't matter which religion) or even a long weekend with an array of food, sometimes too grand even for our stomachs.

It doesn't help with almost everyone in our family are great cooks. Even the younger generation are champs in the kitchen. Who needs Masterchef? We've got our very own Masterchefs who often whip up a storm. You'll have pies, curries, pastries, cookies, cakes and desserts that even a the best restaurants can't beat. The food is created with passion and most importantly... LOVE.

It is during these occasions that we've all grown to be one close knit family. We've all been there for each other through the happy days,  births, deaths, sickness and even on the days when you just don't feel up to it. We've not always been this way but we are now and that's the most important. Our families are closer and the younger generation are growing in each other's presence which I'm proud off.

I'll never trade a single day for all the memories and most importantly the food that we've shared.