Thursday, April 7, 2011

My little observations about Malaysia and Malaysians

The one topic currently that's hot in the media is Malaysian politics. 
There's talk about sex, corruption, more sex, women, sex (oh! did I say that already?) mysterious suicides and most recently, on how "irresponsible" wives  are the cause of husbands having extra - marital affairs. 

So like seriously! (oh shit! did I just sound like an ...... bimbo? ) never mind. But yea! like seriously! Who the frucky do they think they are? And isn't there anything else that can be discussed about like maybe... World Peace or maybe on how to improve the economy of Malaysia? Let's see, what about road repairs and the conditions of the roads in Malaysia? The issue with water or maybe even conservation of the 1 Malaysia tradition? I mean.. there's a lot of other topics to talk about. 

I mean... elections is around the corner so everyone wants to look intelligent, give the impression that they are sensitive to the morals of the people and heck! Even to the extent to prove that they are morally, religiously and piously holier than the others in order to win the hearts of the people; but my question is.. will these people be able to live up to the needs of the people as we move ahead in the years? Can our politicians stand next to international leaders and trust that they will lead us, represent us positively? 

It's sad to note that instead of a progressive development, I feel that we've seem to hit a plato. Parents are getting more and more 'kiasu' and children are fighting sleep and even giving up the basics and simples of enjoying their childhood to ensure they bury their heads in the books to succeed for their future. Private education seems to be the key point for every parent with children who are in school or who will be going to school in the next 2 years. Everyone wants a degree, a master and even a PHD.. just to prove to the world that they are "world class". but I ask... what's the point when our own leaders are mere, high school graduates who represent us on the world stage  a daily basis speaking rubbish? 

I had the pleasure of traveling to Brazil a couple of months back. I was proud to be Malaysian during my travel. Proud to talk about Malaysia and speak of it's culture and uniqueness. Heck! I even brought books, photo's and souvenirs that represents Malaysia... but sadly... almost 70% of the people I met, didn't know of Malaysia. Those that knew, made reference to the Twin Towers and Catherine Zeta Jones. To the rest that didn't.. I had to tell them that we were situated in Asia.. and they asked...India? So I had to answer no, we're south of Thailand. "Ahhh.. they replied.. near Singapura!" *sigh*.....