Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, New Beginings and New Dreams

It's been a while since my last post and I started writting this on the first day of the new year but I got side tracked and today I'm determined to post this up. This week marked the begining of a lot of things for many and for the rest, it was a continuation of yesterday. With every new year, new hopes, new dreams, new ambitions and new beginings. To some it's cliche` but to many it is an opportunity. An opportunity to right what was wrong, an opportunity to start afresh, to forget the pains, the troubles of last year. 

Many see it as a new begining. A reason to build ambition, to fullfill dreams and hopes. A mark, a right of passage. 

To me, the new year is a time to improve on myself. To be a better person. To do things "out of the box" and out of my comfort zone. 2009 proved to me that I can do what I set out to do. Taking a leap into the unknown, making decisions that may have seemed to have done irrationally but turned out good. 2009 thought me that if I don't try, I will never succeed. I guess you can say, I've pushed myself to the edge, got out of my comfort zone. I did things that I only talked and dreamed of doing. Through that experience, 2009 has matured me, make me a little bit wiser and a little bit stronger in being who I am. 

New friendship were forged with people from half way across the world. A new language is studied, a whole new culture is being taught and with that, I thank my stars of 2009 for giving me the edge. So in the midst of planning for the new start, worrying about tomorrow. Let us not forget to thank. Thank 2009 for the great memories (good or bad), the experiences (no matter how horrowing it may have been), decisions made (be it right or wrong) and most of all, the opportunity to live through the year and to look forward to what's ahead. 

Happy New Year my friends. May this year bring you all that you lacked in the previous years, bring you extra joy, smiles and most of all happiness. And to the world, I wish you peace and solidarity amongst humans. 

The Song Of Life
© By Anonymous
It starts as a blank page, no lines, no words, no notes.
Gradually the staff of life appears, and music around it floats.

The title flickers as a name is given and then takes hold,
A soft steady beat begins, new, yet ancient and old.

It will grow and build during the teen years then in midlife slow,
A melody soft, gently rising high then fading again to low.

Sometimes moving with a frenzy of motion, then only a steady drone,
Each phase of life moves along with a melody and rhythm all it's own.

The harmony of thousands of interests and voices intermixes with this song.
Here a cordial harmony, there a contrapuntal melody from the throng.

There are no repeats, no 2nd endings, the bars move steadily on,
Measuring life's passage, as do the sunset and the dawn.

The beat accelerates, the rhythm driven on before pausing for a bird's eye view,
Feel then the strength in tragedy or joy as it is frozen in review.

Off again with a fanfare of horns, the sounds of life are made,
Crescendoing until the final cymbal crash of the symphony is played.

And when the overture is complete and deaths silence reigns at last,
Will the audience stand and applaud for the song of life which past?

May the music of this life be remembered then with joyful tears,
And may the song be played back often through the passing of the years.

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