Monday, October 26, 2009

Sex and the City

A series that was first released in the US in 1998 and a winner of multiple awards and the creation of a a movie, Sex and the City is a girls best friends. Women all around the world could identify with them, 4 women young, modern, single (well, that's how they started out), beautiful women, living in New York who deal with life standing by each other, gossiping on their sex lives, travels, dreams, heartbreaks, life and finding ways to being a women in the 90s.

We each wanted to be a Carrie, a Miranda, a Charlotte and some even a Samantha Jones. 4 different characters...Let's see, first there's Carrie Bradshaw; petite writer who is fashionable and a shoe addict who is somewhat always confused and looking for love. A character that a lot of us can relate to. There there's Miranda, the red head. Career minded, workaholic and cynical in her views on relationship and men (who isn't??) but who eventually gets pregnant and becomes a mother and leads life trying to balance everything. Then we have Charlotte, sweet, optimistic, believes that love is love and not lust and last but not least we have Samantha Jones. Now s
he, I would shamelessly admit, is an idol. Older lot of the group, confident both sexually and emotionally but most importantly loyal to her friends. These characters bare it all among each other with honesty and openness, with no fear of being judged and looked down upon, but instead are supportive and pillars of strength to each other... true friendship.

The show has become such a hit that so many of us downloaded the entire season or even bought the DVD collection just so we can watch it again, a movie marathon weekend maybe. Some of us even took the various quiz online to see which character we reflected (I turned out to be a Miranda!). It seems to be a character analyzer to for some. A somewhat new friend once asked me, "which character are you"? and I replied "30% Carrie, 20% Charlotte, 20% Miranda and 30% Samantha"

I remember when the series was first aired here in Malaysia, many of us cleared our diaries to be home just to catch the first episode and when the movie was released, some of us even made plans to go watch it with our girlfriends. In honor of the movie, some of us w
anted to get all dressed up, have a wonderful dinner and the head over to the cinema to catch the movie, all in true style of Sex and the City. My girlfriends and I were one of them. We planned and looked forward to the outing, talked about it so much but when the time came, we never did it. The exact reason why I can't remember. Maybe it was work or timing, I can't remember. I also remember, how I almost drove to Singapore to catch it with a colleague but when we found out that it was going to be censored we didn't think it would be worth the trip. We then considered flying to Hong Kong for the weekend just to watch it but again, that didn't materialize so what we did is, we got the CD from Hong Kong. A few months later once the legal CD was out, the girls and I, gathered at a girlfriends' place for a pot luck lunch (kicking her hubby out of the house) to watch it. We laughed, we teared and we connected.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, some of us have our very own "Sex and the City" i
n our lives but we don't realize it or we take it for granted. We may not be in New York, but we have our friends that we can rely on be it through the good times and the not so good times. We all have our Samantha's, Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte. They may not all come in fancy designer packages and we may not hang around in fancy restaurants sipping cosmopolitans, but we have them in our lives, together as a group or individually near or far. We need to remember that these are the people that will laugh and cry with us, so treasure it.

So head on out.. grab your girlfriends, your guy pal your best friend. Meet up for lunch, even if there's nothing to talk about. Just hang out...spend time together. Life's too short and in this wicked and cruel world of ours, we need as much support as we can get. Let's not life, family and commitment get in our way. Let's all have our Sex and the City moments.

Here's ending this entry with one of my favorite quote by Samantha Jones... she
says this to the girls...

Samantha: I think I have monogamy... I caught it from you
Carrie: Yes, it's airbone

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